A Product R&D Toolkit

Welcome. I'm Marc and this is a Toolkit to create things.

Before moving in to ideation phase, we can take the time to properly define exactly what it is that we are aiming to create.

At this stage we can use a number of tools to help with this definition, setting us for ideation by clearly laying out what we want to achieve.

Everything is dependent on the context, but these tools should cover most bases for moving forwards - they will cover requirements for both ideation and the development team.

Section Tools
Tool Info
Category Define
Updated 20/09/20
Templates   PDF     Miro
Creator Aristotle

The 5Ws(+H) technique can be used in 2 modes, either by listing out the factors involved in the problem (as seen in the Problem Log), or by listing out the factors for the solution.

As we've previously identified, validated and synthised the problem, and are moving towards the solution we can use the 5Ws to clarify the progress we've made so far, and confirm exactly what we're hoping to achieve in the future stages.

Tool Info
Category Define
Updated 20/09/20
Templates   PDF     Miro
Creator N/A

Scenarios are another tool that helps set us up for the ideation phase by linking goal-driven interactions between the user/persona and the product. These 'mini-narratives' or stories can inspire the design and whilst keeping focus on the user goal.

We can then use the scenario with other tools to help craft the narrative to line us up for the solution.

Further Resources
  What are User Scenarios?
Job Story
Tool Info
Category Define
Updated 20/09/20
Templates   PDF     Miro
Creator Intercom

The output of the Jobs-to-be-done theory, a Job Story succinctly summarises what we believe needs to be created by defining the solution as a 'Job'.

By understanding the situation the user is in, what they need to do and ultimately the goal they want to accomplish, a Job Story sets us up for the ideation phase and helps keep any solution pinned to the exact 'job' a user wants to do.

We can then go on to create 'Related Jobs' that help us to further solve the user goal as part of the entire Job.

User Story
Tool Info
Category Define
Updated 20/09/20
Templates   PDF     Miro
Creator Sakichi Toyoda

Focusing on a specific user and their issue, a User Story is an agile method of depicting a user need or requirement in a specific format.

A User Story can be written by anyone, but will generally be created by the Product Owner or Manager who will also manage them. They can be big and can be broken down in to smaller stories and then added to the Product Backlog.

As the Backlog is generally comprised of the Product Roadmap and Requirements, the User Stories will help tie user and business objectives together in a neat format to keep projects and progress efficient and on track.

Along with the User Story, it is also helpful to include extra detail in the form of 'acceptance criteria', i.e. what needs to be done to accomplish the goal. This detailed scope will help the development team further understand the value, and set expectations for what would be considered 'done'.

Tool Info
Category Define
Updated 20/09/20
Templates   PDF     Miro
Creator Min Basadur

The phrase 'How Might We' (HMW) is full of optimism - it helps switch our mindset towards solving the problems, and opens up endless possibilities with the perception that the problem is solvable. It encourages innovative thinking whilst removing all constraints.

We can start the HMWs by talking about the problem, the previously discovered insights, and other definitions and then framing them in a way that creates multiple HMWs that are broad enough to solve the problem, but not too broad that makes any proposed solution impractical.